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Hip pain can be annoying, aggravating and even debilitating. Especially for patients whose pain won’t go away after an extended period of treatment time. If you’re one of these patients, here are four situations where it might be a good idea for a Pain Management physician to step in and treat your condition:

  • Your pain hasn’t decreased after 6-12-months of treatment
  • Prescription medications don’t help your pain
  • You want to know if there are alternatives to surgery
  • Your pain levels initially decreased with treatment but then stalled

Pain Management should also be considered when severe osteoarthritis can not be treated.


Hip Anatomy 

The hip is a ball and socket joint: The head of the femur (the ball) sits perfectly in the acetabulum (the socket) of the pelvis. The joint has the important job of supporting the weight of the upper body and helping move the torso and leg. Cartilage and soft tissue protect the joint as it moves. When cartilage and tissue begin to wear away with age, a patient is said to have osteoarthritis.


Severe Osteoarthritis of the Hip

In its early stages, osteoarthritis may produce little to no symptoms. However, when arthritis reaches the point where the hip’s cartilage is completely worn away, bone-on-bone rubbing occurs and severe symptoms typically present. They include:

  • Hip pain
  • Groin pain
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness

Treating these symptoms can be done using non-surgical measures. Any, all, or any combination of the following have proven to be effective when treating severe hip arthritis:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Inflammation and pain decreasing over-the-counter or prescription medications.
  2. Physical therapy. Stretching and strengthening exercises.
  3. Corticosteroid injections. Powerful anti-inflammatory medication injected into the hip joint.


Getting an Opinion for Hip Arthritis 

If you can relate to the information presented here, please don’t hesitate to give us a call and make an appointment with our Pain Management specialist. NJ Pain Away has locations throughout New Jersey and you will be given an accurate diagnosis and honest opinion. Regardless of your condition, you’ll be given options and can expect significant pain relief.

Dr. Alexander Klyashtorny is a Board Certified Physician in Anesthesiology and Pain Management and is dedicated to helping patients control or eliminate their source of pain, which improves the patients’ quality of life immensely. Dr. Klyashtorny accomplishes this goal by combining the results of the diagnostic studies, patients’ complaints, as well as findings he discovers during physical examination in his decision-making process to design an effective treatment protocol that is individually modified for each patient.